Developments in the field of anaesthesiology vis-Ã -vis anaesthetics and anaesthetic techniques, is no exception. Anaesthesiology is an important applied science seminal to any surgical intervention. A practicing veterianarian is faced with many problems- He has to deal with varied animal species. Non-availability of any specialized anaesthesiologist. Under field circumstances a veterinarian usually find it difficult to arrange a sophisticated apparatus and general anaesthetic drugs. Use of general anaesthesia is economically not viable. The general anaesthetic drugs are contra-indicated in bovines especially under field conditions. Moreover, in the field it is the Veterinary Assistant Surgeon/Veterinary Graduate rather than a specialist surgeon who is to undertake the emergency surgical intervention under local and regional anaesthesia. Hence a need was felt to capsulate the vast knowledge to provide the students and practicing veterinarians the important information in an applied fashion and at the same time keeping track of the latest developments in the field. The book includes information on anaesthetic drugs and techniques commonly used in regional and local anaesthesia. A detailed description of different techniques being practiced in different animals especially bovines have been provided along with illustrations depicting the common techniques being performed in animals. In an effort to provide space for new techniques being performed in animals. In an effort to provide space for new techniques, the intra peritoneal visceral procaine block and long-acting epidural anaesthetic technique has been outlined. The purpose of this handbook is to provide complete and concise information about regional and local anaesthetic techniques being used for all types of operations especially in bovines.
A Handbook on Veterinary Local Anaesthesia
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A Handbook on Veterinary Local Anaesthesia
1st ed.
8181891589, 9788181891587
xi+119p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.
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