Microelectronics: Wireless Technology and MEMS in the Developing Countries

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The publication entitled Microelectronics: Wireless technology and MEMS in the developing Countries brought out by the center for Science & technology of the Non-aligned and other developing Countries (NAMS&T Centre) is largely based on the presentations made during the 5th International Workshop on "Microelectronics: Wireless technology and MEMS" held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during September 2005. Microeletronics is the cornerstone of the information technologies that pervade virtually every aspect of contemporary life. It is difficult to imagine any field of science or technology that has had a more profound impact on the letter half of the 20th century than microelectronics. Microelectronics industry has been able to provide transistors, chips and products that are becoming smaller, faster, cheaper and better every year. As transistors become smaller, they become faster, more and more of such transistors can be packed on a chip, and thus chips are able to store and process more information. In microelectromechanical systems –the microelectronics, micro-fabrication and micro-machining technologies, collectively known as MEMS –is being applied to biomedical applications and has become a new field of research unto itself, known as Bio-MEMS. The technology is originally based upon the same technology that has been used to make computer chips ever more powerful and less expensive. This volume contains contributions from renowned experts and status reports on the subject from several developing countries, viz. Cuba, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Turkey. The compiled information will facilitate the developing countries in working out appropriate plans and strategies to exploit new technologies and research results for prosperity of the masses.


Dr. V. K. Jain is Professor in Department of T.B. & Respiratory Diseases and at present Vice Principal of S.P. Medical College, Bikaner. He has more than 30 years teaching experience. He has published 44 papers and delivered 102 guest lecturers. He has been honored by several national and international awards and fellowships. At present he is holding significant positions in has published two books and contributed in many publications.


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Microelectronics: Wireless Technology and MEMS in the Developing Countries
1st ed.
xvi+206p., Tables; Figures; References; 25cm.