An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy in India and Tibet

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This book is an in-depth study of Buddhist Philosophy in India and Tibet. The concentration is on ontology/epistemology and, to a somewhat lesser extent, soteriology. It is based o the writings of the Buddhist philosophers themselves, from the unknown authors of the Pali Abhidhamma bbooks down to the present Dalai Lama of Tibet. It takes into consideration the work of many twentieth century scholars of Buddhism n order to bring our knowledge of Buddhist Philosophy up-to-date. An exhaustive Index (and glossary) has been prepared in order to help the reader with the technical terms of Buddhist philosophy.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Zahiruddin Ahmad

Zahiruddin Ahmad was born in Calcutta, India, and educated in Calcutta, London and Oxford universities. From 1969 to 1995, he taught at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. In 1988-89, he was Visiting Professor at the seminar fur Sprach- and kulturwissenschaft Zentralasiens (department of central Asian Studies) at Bonn University, Germany. He is the author of (1) Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth century (Rome, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1970. serie Orientale Roma, 40), (2) A History of Tibet by nag-dban Blo-bzan rGya-mTSHo, Fifth salai lama of Tibet, translated from Tibetan, Indian University, research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, Bloomington, Indiana, 1995. Indiana university Oriental Series, 7) and (3) sans-rGyas-mTSHO, Life of the fifth Dalai Lama, Vol. IV, Part I, translated from Tibetan (New Delhi, International Academy of Indian Culture & Aditya Prakashan, 1999. Satapitaka Series, 392).


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An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy in India and Tibet
1st ed.
xi+395p., Bibliography; Index; 29cm.

