This book "is a very detailed and comprehensive work on a subject of significance, regarding the Politico-religious history of North-East India." The study in -Five chapters, besides the conclusion deals with the role of the Christian Missionaries in the North-east, in particular the role of the American Baptist Mission and its Pioneering Service rendered in Nagaland and Manipur. Tracing the growth of the Baptist church and its work in these states, in particular Nagaland, the author rightly po0ints out that the seeds of progress, growth and overall development, inter-alia the political, were sown by the early Christian Missionaries from the US and UK, WHO. Who sacrificed a great deal form the cause of human development in Nagaland/Manipur. In this regard the contribution of rev. (S) Clark, rev. (Dr.) Rivenburg and, Pittigrew have been highlighted by the author. As regards to the role of the indigenous missionaries, the author has succinctly evaluated the work done by rev. Longri Ao and Highlighted his Contribution towards attaining Peace in Strife tour Nagaland. Further the author has rightly indicated in the study, to an extend that the advent of Christianity in the North-East has led to westernization and the waning and withering of traditional mores and standards in tribal societies. The establishement of Churches based on distinct tribes in nagaland as highlighted in the study was mencouraged by the missionaries accepting the divergence and singular traits of the several tribes in nagalnd, hence the formation of tribe based Baptist Churches. Although the realm of Christendom is distinct from worldly matters, the author has rightly pointed out the distinct note the church has had in the political developments in nagalnd. The church has played a positive role in the several peace accords worked out between the government and the rebal (s) over the years since the formation of the state, which to an extent has minimized violence and the concomitant action by both the security forces and insurgents. This study centred essentially upto the Shillong Accord (1975). However, the study is enriched further by the post Shillong Accord (1975) developments which are dealt in depth, in particular reckoning the stance of the Baptist Church on the NSCN (I-M)’s demand for nagalim (Greater nagaland) and the consequences of it, especially in manipur and the rest of the North-east.
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