Bhamati: Catuhsutri, Vacaspati Misra’s commentary on Samkara’s Bhasya on the first four Brahma-sutra’s, was published by the Theosophical Publishing House in 1933. it contained an elaborate Introduction and Notes, and an English translation by Professor C. Kunhan Raja and Professor S. Suryanarayana Sastri, this book was very well received by students and scholars, and has become almost a classic in the field. It has been out of stock for a long time and there has been a persistent demand for reprinting it. The Adyar Library and Research Centre has great pleasure in bringing out a reprint of the same to meet this demand. The Bhamati is the most ancient, complete and elaborate available commentary on Samkara’s Brahma-sutrabhasya. It started the Bhamati school of Advaita; though some of the features of this school can be traced back to Mandana Misra, an elder contemporary of Samkara, traditionally identified with Samkara’s pupil Suresvara. The other school of Advaita, called the Vivarana School, is associated with Prakasatman’s Pancapadika commentary on the Bhasya, now available only for the catuhsutri portion. Many of the features of this school can be traced back to Suresvara.
Bhamati Of Vacaspati On Samkara’s Brahmasutrabhasya (Catuhsutri)
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Bhamati Of Vacaspati On Samkara’s Brahmasutrabhasya (Catuhsutri)
1st ed.
623p., 21cm.
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