Dharana Darshan: A Panoramic View of Yogic, Tantric and Upanishadic Practices of Concentration and Visualization

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Dharana Darshan is a practical and informative text on the yogic, tantric and upanishadic practices of concentration and visualization, as taught by Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati. These practices, which traditionally have never been taught except through direct transmission from guru to disciple, represent an advanced level of teaching and are intended to meet a need expressed by many serious practitioners for more guidance into the deeper dimensions of meditation. The book includes an introduction to the theory of dharana and detailed class transcripts of the techniques.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Swami Niranjanananda was born at Rajnandgaon, Madhya Pradesh, in 1960. At the age of four he joined the Bihar School of Yoga and was initiated into Dashnami sannyasa at the age of ten. From 1971 he traveled overseas and toured many countries for the next 11 years. In 1983 he was recalled to Indian and appointed President of Bihar School Yoga. During the following 11 years he guided the development of Ganga Darshan, Sivananda Math and the Yoga Research Foundation. In 1990 he was initiated as a paramahamsa and in 1993 anointed preceptor in succession to Swami Satyananda. Bihar Yoga Bharati was founded under his direction in 1994. He has authored over 20 books and guides national and international yoga programs.


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Dharana Darshan: A Panoramic View of Yogic, Tantric and Upanishadic Practices of Concentration and Visualization
1st. ed.
450p., B/W Illustrations 48; 8.5" X 5.4"