This book has been mainly written keeping in view the requirements of the students of Agricultural Entomology of various Indian Universities. The book provides a brief account on the structure, function, development and metamorphosis, and a comprehensive account on almost all the methods of pest control. The nature of damage caused by the important insect pests of crops, their life histories and control have been described. It is hoped that the students of Agricultural Entomology, will find the book extremely useful. The book is also useful to the Plant Protection departments and similar Instructions. The book will also be useful to those who are preparing for competitive examinations conducted by various central and state Government agencies for recruitment. Every attempt has been made to provide necessary information from the point of view of students of Agricultural Entomology, which is not a available in other books.
Agricultural Insect Pests and their Control
by V.B. Awasthi
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Dr. Vidya Bhushan Awasthi, Former Associate Professor of Zoology, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur, born on 7th August, 1940 in the village Sumerpur, Distt. Unnao, UP and received his B.Sc., M.Sc and Ph.D. Degrees from the University of Gorakhpur. He worked on insect neuroendocrinology and published 67 research papers and review articles in the presitigiuos journals of international repute. He is internationally well recognized in his field of research. He is also the Author of three books viz.: Introduction to general and Applied Entomology, Principles of Insect behaviour and Insect neuroendocrines. He is on the panel of experts of several Universities and referee of a number of prestigious journals. A number of students have received Ph.D. degree under his supervision and guidance. The work of Dr. Awasthi on light and electron microscopy of insect endocrine organs has been cited extensively since 1970 in a large number of books published by Academic Press, Pergamon Press, Chapman and hall, Springer-Verlag, Plenum Press etc. written or edited by F. Engelmann; W. Bargmann and B. Scharrer; S.J. Counce and c.H. Waddington; V.J.A. Novak; M.Raabe; J.E. Treherne, M.J. Berridge and V.B. Wigglesworth; G.A. Kerkut and L.I. Gilbert etc. His fundamental work on insect endocrines has been appreciated by the prominent Insect Physiologists and Endocrinologists some of them are Prof. V.B. Wigglesworth, prof. Berta Scharrer, Prof. G. Fraenkel, Prof. M. Fersch, prof. H. Mislin, Prof. A. Girardie, Dr. M. Raabe, Prof. B. Johnson, Prof. W. Weber and many others.
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Agricultural Insect Pests and their Control
1st ed.
viii+267p., Tables; Figures; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.
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