The United Nations often falls short of its noble aspiration enshrined in the UN charter. Today almost all member states accept democratization, decision-making of the UN. Sixty years of peace and economic growth in the developed nations has given an opportunity to overcome poverty and its attendant ills. The UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), with their dashing promise to halve extreme poverty by 2015. The United Nations is a forum where sovereign states can work out common strategies for tackling global problems and an instrument for putting those strategies in to effect. The UN can be a much more effective organization it its governing bodies, the General Assembly and the security council are better organized and restructured and reformed. In particular the security council needs to be more broadly representative. The United Nations marked its sixtieth anniversary in October 2005 and has remained fully engaged in conflict resolution, peace – making, humanitarian assistance, defense of human rights and development around the world however, there are deep divisions among member states and the UN has been bypassed and prevented by the sole super power, the United States, to meet the threats and challenges of the twenty first century. The author provides a systemic analysis of different aspects and key dimensions and issues relating to the restructuring and reforming the United Nations to make it more effective as an instrument of building future global order and governance and to meet the various challenges of the twenty first century. The book is timely and it is a valuable and additional contribution to the already existing literature on the reform and restructuring of the United Nations.
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