1. Tholkappiam. 2. Pancha marabu. 3. Koothanool. 4. Bharatasenapatiyam. 5. Literature. 6. Literature on ethics. 7. Epic literature. 8. Commentary to Silappadikaram by Arumpathauraiyasiriyar. 9. Commentary to Silappadikaram by Adiyarkkunallaar. 10. Manimekalai. 11. Dance in Seevakachintaamani. 12. Evaluation of dance with reference to the three eras of Sangam, ethics and epics. 13. Dance in Bhakti literature. 14. Dance in minor epics. 15. Historical truths. 16. Pallava age. 17. Dance in Chola age. 18. Dance in Pandiya age. 19. Dance in the Tanjore Nayaks period. 20. Dance in the Maratta period. 21. Later dance grammar texts. 22. Bharatanatya Sastram. 23. Devadasis and dance. 24. Dance – some knots and upshots.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lakshmi Ramaswamy
Dr. Lakshmi Ramaswamy has earned a special place in Bharatanatyam as an extraordinary performer, giving teacher, creative choreographer and ardent researcher. A review quotes, ‘There have been many blooms in Bharatanatyam; but that sheds lasting fragrance is, Lakhmi’. With a vibrant profile: ‘A’ grade artist of Doordarshan, empanelled artist of ICCR and South Zone Cultural Centre, recipient of the international ‘fulbright’ fellowship, several awards and titles, she has performed in prestigious festivals in India and many other countries. She has presented papers in Seminars that include the International ‘Classical Tamizh Conference’, Urbaniana University, Rome. She has also given lectures for refreshers course, lecture demonstrations and conducted workshops in India and Abroad.
Lakshmi is associated with Madras University, Alagappa University, Annamalai University in various capacities.
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