The Golden Bouquet

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The Golden Bouquet, a collection of writings by Prof. S.S. Prabhakar Rao’ turned out over a period of four decades, offers a wide array of critical evaluations of the works of writes like Orwell, Steinbeck, Raja Rao, Chinua Achebe and Saul Bellow. The problems of translation from the regional languages are discussed in two chapters. The use of the bilingual method for teaching English as a second language, the place of translation in ELT programs, teaching English for specific purposes in the Indian context have also been explored, offering fresh insights and unconventional solutions. The volume offers a comprehensive introduction to and evaluation of Telugu writers and trends in the literature in Telugu. The profiles of eminent scholar-critics are sensitive tributes to mentors and friends. The travelogue is an offbeat exploration of America from triple perspectives — academic, personal and tourist. The author has included a few samples from his numerous renderings of Telugu poems and short stories. Some of the papers included in this volume were originally presented at international conferences like the one organized by the IATEFL at Brighton, UK, and other conferences, and were keynote addresses and talks at Academic Staff Colleges of some Indian Universities. The collection, coinciding with the golden jubilee of the author’s service to Goddess Saraswati, offers rich and varied fare to cater to the specialist in literature and ELT professional as well as general enthusiasts’ contributes substantially to cultural synthesis of Indian consciousness and is an eloquent testimony to the catholicity of literary interests of the author.


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The Golden Bouquet
1st ed.