A Manual of Forestry Extension Education

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The book contains fundamentals of extension education in forestry for which no suitable book in the Indian perspective exists. This edited volume contains various chapters related to extension education written by experts in the field of forestry as well as extension education. The book inter alia deals with principles, practices and importance of extension education in forestry, communication, learning in groups, motivation, training methodologies, audio-visual aids, role of extension in rural development and poverty alleviation through forestry related activities, extension strategies social forestry in West Bengal, people participation in forest management, silvipastoral technology extension etc. In addition a special chapter has been added on propagation techniques for forest trees for the benefit of the person who desires to take up tree growing as a vocation. Another chapter deals with insect pests and their management. The book will thus be useful for forestry students, teachers of extension education, field extension personnel, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and voluntary organisation engaged in waste land development, integrated rural development agencies, Zila Parishads, Panchayats, District Administration and microplanners.


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A Manual of Forestry Extension Education
1st ed.