Hepaticae of Khasi and Jaintia Hills: Eastern Himalayas

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The book presents a comprehensive floristic account of "Hepaticae of Khasi and Jaintia Hills: Eastern Himalayas", one of the hot spots of the country. A consolidated critical account of various taxa and families of this region has been provided for the first time. This book consists of original research work dealing with diverse aspects like morpho-taxonomy, diversity, distribution, habitat, ecology, attitudinal range and discussion of 247 species of hepatics falling under 59 genera and 23 families supported by 86 line drawing illustration plates, 48 colored photographs and 21 distributional maps. The book includes discovery of 10 new species and addition of 22 species to Indian bryoflora belonging to 12 genera. Additionally the book is also supplemented with the precise notes on application of hepatics, Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET) Taxa, conservation, bryophytes as pollution indicator, mineral indicator, as medicines, active chemical compounds, antimicrobial activities, ethno-bryology and other miscellaneous usage of bryophytes. It will provide one hand information which will be of immense utility not only to botanists in general but also to environmental biologists, foresters, landscapists, naturalists, amateurs and other specialists concerned with plant sciences in any way. This publication will be an immensely valuable reference book to students, researchers and to all those interested in bryophytes and field biology.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ajit Pratap Singh

Dr. Ajit Pratap Singh, after passing M.Sc. from Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad joined the Bryology Laboratory, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow in the year 1998 as JRF and later awarded SRF (CSIR), New Delhi.  During these years he actively worked on Assessment of Liverworts in Khasi, Garo, Jaintia Hills: Eastern Himalayas and conservation strategies of rare, endangered and threatened liverworts.  Dr. Singh was decorated with Ph.D. degree in the year 2003 under the able guidance of Dr. Virendra Nath, Deputy Director and Head, Bryology Laboratory, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow.  Dr. Singh is keenly involved in the biodiversity, distribution, habitat, ecology, morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny and conservation studies of bryophytes.  He has extensively explored the bryophytes in Eastern Himalayas, Western Himalayas, Central India and have discovered more than ten new bryophytic taxa for science.  Dr. Singh is Joint Secretary of Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT), member of various scientific societies and published more than 17 research papers in the Journals of national and international repute.  Presently he is pursuing his Research Associateship (CSIR) on Bryodiversity (Hepaticae) of Sikkim Himalayas and Assesment of Rare Endangered and Threatened taxa at the Department of Botany, Lucknow University, Lucknow.


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Hepaticae of Khasi and Jaintia Hills: Eastern Himalayas
1st ed.
xiv+382p., Tables; Figures; Plates; Maps; References; Index; 29cm.

