Contents: I. Articles: 1. Archaeology of the Aryans/M.K. Dhavalikar. 2. Savara ‘The Independent Circumflex’ and the Kampa-Pronunciation in the traditional recitation of the Rgveda/P.D. Navathe. 3. On the meaning of RV X.136 : Comets?/B.N. Narahari Achar. 4. Semantic analysis of the technical terms in the Astadhyayi, meaning "Adjective"/Bhagyalata A. Pataskar. 5. "Pratipad" Kasmat?/Madhavi Kolhatkar. 6. An unpublished medical treatise Dravyaratnakara-Nighantu/S.D. Kamat. 7. The nature of sound as per Sastra/Sharda Narayanan. 8. Praise and blame of Grammarians, Naiyayika-s and Mimamsaka-s/J.A.F. Roodbergen. 9. Yoga in Sankara’s Advaita Vedanta/T.S. Rukmani. 10. Dating of Rohini-Sakata-Bheda/Parag Mahajani, M.N. Vahia, Mohan Apte and A.P. Jamkhedkar. 11. A Lattalapur copper plate grant of Kanhardeo/Dhopate S.G. 12. Development of religion and religious structures in Jammu Region – an overview/Suman Jamwal. 13. The means and practices of Non-Dual Kashmir Saivism/Boris Marjanovic. 14. The myth of the Vakataka Coins/Shankar Goyal. 15. Rukmini’s Love-Letter to Srikrsna/Veneemadhava-Shastri Joshi. 16. Subsistence patterns in Protohistoric Afghanistan and its adjoining regions: a brief review/P.P. Joglekar. 17. Madariya Community in the perspective of Folk Culture in eighteenth and nineteenth century Bengal/Ananda Bhattacharya. 18. Vakyapadiya/M.G. Dhadphale. 19. Word separations and India revisited/Stephen Hillyer Levitt. 20. True lies – Bhima’s Vows and the revision of memory in the Mahabharata’s code/Phillip Ernest. 21. To go or not to go: the ideas of Tirth-Yatra and Sainthood in Medieval Maharashtra/Irina Glushkova. II. Reviews and short notices.
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 2006(Volume LXXXVII)
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Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 2006(Volume LXXXVII)
1st ed.
xii+358p., Figures
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