This book profiles Santa Ravidasa, one of the brightest luminaries in the firmament of medieval Indian bhaktic renaissance. His life and thought constitute an important facet of the history of Vaisnavism and Sikhism. A useful book for all students of Indian piety and theology. In one sense the life and personality of Santa Ravidasa illustrate one of the great sayings of the Buddha: " na jacca vasalo hoti, na jacca hoti brahmano. Kammuna vasalo hoti, kammuna hoti brahmano/ Suttapanipata, Vasalasutta "Not by birth does one become an untouchable, not by birth does one become a brahmana; by deeds one becomes an untouchable, by deeds one becomes a brahmana. The socio-religious context of the life and work of Ravidasa had indeed a long tradition in India.
Poetics of Dasam Granth
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