Music Therapy in Management, Education and Administration

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This book deals with the application of music therapy in management, education and administration. Explaining how the Raga is used to remove ragadvesha (dualities), it deals with the multiple intelligence theory of Howard Gardner to develop the music therapy scheme.  It also presents a detailed account of medical ethics, how to organize a research process, the concept of a medical university, curriculum for music therapy, curriculum for short-term courses, role of emotions in music therapy, and the problem of consciousness.  Case studies of dementia and alzheimer’s disease find place in the discussion as well.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Suvarna Nalapat

Dr. Suvarna Nalapat, an MD in pathology, has a vast experience of 32 years of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate classes.  She has Professor and Head of Department of Pathology at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kochi; Consultant Histopathologist at Endocrinology and Immunology Laboratory, Kochi; and Associate Professor of Pathology at Kerala Government Medical College, Calicut. Besides a large number of research papers published in national and international journals of repute, Dr. Nalapat has to her credit many acclaimed books including Amrita Jyoti: Comparative Study of Religions, A Rediscovery of India through the panchasidhantika of Varahamihira, Mudra: A Literary Criticism of Ujjainy, A Literary Criticism of Chakravalam, Padmasindhu, Sudhasindhu, Brahmasindhu, Paatheyam, and Without a Stumble: A Book on the Spirituality of Music.  Also, she has participated in many a seminars of conferences and delivered lectures on Music therapy.


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Music Therapy in Management, Education and Administration
1sdt ed.
xxxii+206p., Tables; Figures; Appendices; Index; 24cm.