The present research work highlights the basic concepts of Ethics and Philosophy of the Visistadvaita School of Thought of Ramanuja. The Sankalpasuryodaya, an allegorical drama is composed by Vedanta Desika (1268-1369 AD) a great exponent in the history of the field of Visistadvaita School. This work runs into six chapters, viz., Date, Life and Works of the Author; Place of Allegorical Dramas in Sanskrit Literature; Summary of Sankalpa-suryodaya; Literary Analysis of the Drama, Philosophical Doctirnes Reflected in the Drama; and An Evaluation. "The chapters on Rasa and Alankaras are especially very illuminating and exhaustive. A lot of accessory materials are contained in the early chapters, introducing the play in its proper philosophical, poetic and dramatic perspective. The chapter on characterization is of special interest, as it is central to the play. A chapter on its philosophical theme is added in all wisdom, deservingly, at the end as the play intents vindication of Visistadvaita in a dramatic mould." Thus, a detailed study of the Sankalpasuryodaya contributes a systematic symbolism by which abstractions of ethics, religion and philosophy of Ramanuja Vedanta are represented as accurately as possible through significant characters, plots and contexts with identification of comprehensive names. In fine, this work is the first of its kind, deserves the commendations of all discerning readers in the field of Indian ethics, philosophy, poetry and drama. The Foreword by Prof. K.S. Narayanacharya, a reputed scholar in field in the beginning, add to the usefulness of the work.
The Vivekacudamani of Sankaracarya Bhagavatpada: An Introduction and Translation
Advaita Vedanta is one of ...
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