This anthology addresses to five key themes: (i) social justice, (ii) Ambedkar’s role as law and constitution maker, (iii) Ambedkar’s perception about weaker sections of our society and his reformative strategy, especially in favour of women, (iv) Hindu caste system, social order and evil effect of rigid caste system, and (v) Ambedkar as a messiah of suppressed humanity. The volume reveals effective ventures of contributors of bridging up the gulf between ‘the law in book’ and ‘the law in action’. Intimate relationship between law and society constitutes the pivot of thesis revolving round the Ambedkar’s deep concern to social, economic and political reforms, for ensuring justice to countless number of population who are termed as ‘oppressed class’, ‘downtrodden’, ‘depressed class’, ‘suppressed humanity’ and ‘backward classes’. It also traces the relevance of Ambedkar’s philosophy, mission and his action-oriented policy and programme to improve the lots of the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward classes and dalit groups of the minorities in our contemporary era.
Teaching of Mathematics
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