Showing all 2 books
1. Economy, Environment and Sustainable Development: Concepts and Concerns, 2. Significance of Global Warming, 3. Global Warming - A Boon or Bane?, 4. Nine Lies About Global Warming, 5. Global Warming: From Debate to Action, 6. Living with Global Warming, 7. The Political Economy of Global Warming and its Changing Strategic Role, 8. Global Warming and Clean Development Mechanism Projects State and Trends in India, 9. Perspective of Climate Change ...
UN Millennium Summit 2000 declared in unequivocal terms that we should "... Spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanising conditions of extreme poverty." Poverty can be looked at, as income poverty and human poverty. Income poverty is nothing but lack of income to buy a basket of basic needs for human survival. Human poverty transcends economic aspect and encompasses social, cultural, political and physical ...