A.B. Chaudhuri

Showing all 17 books
While stock-taking the life-time achievements of Professor Hiralal Chaudhuri in the domain of research, teaching and training one has to go through the editor's, Write up detailed in "Preface" and "Introduction".
Three manuals viz., Aquaculture, Limnology and Ichthyology form an intergal and interrelated chain of activities and may be taken as a single unit. In fact the success of the Professor in various facets of Aquaculture promoted Central ...
The Santals became a focal point of discussion among the scholars after the Santal Rebellion of 1855-56. Even at that time, the urge for setting up a kingdom for themselves was quite discernible. This attitude of the Santal has remained unchanged and there has been a continuum in the endeavour of the tribe in achieving its goal as would be evident from its participation in the Jharkhand movement. This study throws new light on: the Santal efforts of establishing ...
Biodiversity is a much discussed subject of the present day in India in the fields of flora and fauna. Indian people of today are very much conscious and concerned about biodiversity loss and degradation of entire eco-system. The authors have collated various definitions, concepts and values of biodiversity and presented them in Charts and Shortnotes to make the subject perceptible to ordinary readers. For this they have chosen the medicinal plant species, birds, ...
Megadiversity is a much less discussed subject than biodiversity of the present day in India in the fields of flora and fauna. This term and another term ‘Hot Spots’ have recently been used by World Bank and other World bodies for species diversity and endemism in the World’s selected few rich floral and faunal zones. Two spots identified as ‘Megadiversity’ and ‘Hot Spots’ in India are North-eastern Himalayas and Western ...
The enumeration of various qualities and perspectives of 'Trees' of India in the context of ecology and environment has been the basic concept in preparation of this document. Tree and the Environment--an Indian scenario. One thousand seven hundred tree species occur in scores of ecological niche and in various admixtures covering a wide range of biogeographical realms. The tree resources, like those of herb and shrub resources, are under extreme anthropogenic ...
This book pertains to bring to light the result of extensive and in-depth research done by a wide range of experts on various facets of Wetlands in India. The research findings have been selected to cover representative areas of the country but owing to extensive nature of work involved, stress has only been laid on the physico-chemical characteristics of water, macrophytes, plankton, primary productivity, benthos, avifauna, fauna in general, ichthyofauna, ...
Forest vegetation of Eastern India is significantly rich and even a mere compilation of outline information will go into several volumes. The work in this book, therefore, has been confined to the districts of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and Sikkim only as the area is representative of the plant resources of entire Eastern Indian States. It is not a flora and the systematists will hardly get their requirement as in a flora. Cowan's work of North Bengal has been the ...
This book on Project Tiger Reserve is the outcome of the authors long research work in Buxa Reserve in the past and recently on two World Bank Projects. In the first project they studied various facets of the resources and problems of the reserve and prepared a detailed set of guidelines which formed the basis for preparation of Management Plan of BTR. The second project involved besides those of earlier works, a thorough study, on people, their education, ...
Ground vegetation which includes herbs, shrubs, climbers, ferns, fern allies, grasses, sedges, bamboos etc., has a very important role to play in the conservation of soil, microclimate, various faunal constituents and to maintain a balance between flora and fauna. While the botanists have only listed the names of these constituents, the foresters actually realized the importance of ground flora, their interaction with animals and values as indicator species. Yet ...
It is an endeavour to prepare as far as practicable, a full checklist of vegetation of the districts of Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling of West Bengal. It has been a very strenuous job as the areas virtually represents job as the area virtually represents floral and faunal diversity of the entire country with having 1/255 the part of the forest area of India, the area abounds with 1/3rds of the floral diversity of the country. The vegetation is so rich that even mere ...
The book aims at enumerating some important multi-faceted values and qualities of forests related to environment and interaction with man. The readers will have a clear relevant issues relating to the density and vegetation related subjects. In fact all the thirteen chapters selected by the author pertain to his life-long observations and studies. Conservation aspects, resources of flora and fauna, Himalayan panorama, wetland, temperate hills, tropical hill and ...
This is an endeavour of the author to present a vast quantity of fact-based reliable analytical data on the status (density and frequency etc.) of medicinal plants of India in his book. His inferences have the basis of field-based study on Status of Plants the findings of which nullifies much bloated assertions of the experts on pharmacopoeia and of the pharmacologists that India was still a rich store house of medicinal plant resources; Their findings were never ...
This book, "Biodiversity of Mangroves" is a maiden endeavour of this, or by any other author, to unveil the hidden and rich treasure of biotal, physiographic, tribal, marine, coastal and other resources bringing under one umbrella –"The Mangroves". It also highlights Tiger –Man interaction and rendenvous of innumerable invertebrate and vertebrate fauna, endemic and rare biota of two premier mangrove sites situated at northern and southern ...
In early 90s of last century when the Ministry of Environment and Forests were busy framing policy, laws, projects and committees for identification and conservation of Wetlands of India, this author had the opportunity to attend some of the meetings on preparing projects along with Bose Institute, Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and natural history and other experts. He found almost all the members were simply ignored of the monumental work done on Aquatic ...
The book focuses a realistic and factual account on the resurgence of aquaculture and birth of blue (protein) revolution. The resurgence got a booming start on the success of induced breeding of carps in mid 1957. Thereafter, further research successes gained momentum year after year in the fields of high fish seed production, integrated polyculture hybridization, training of personnel and in various other fields. Bulk impact of benefits from these successes were ...