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The present work titled, “Classical Sanskrit Literature” is grouped in ten chapters, starting with classical Sanskrit and ending with the theories of poetry. In between the author makes an effort to deal with the predecessors of Kalidasa, Kalidasa, the post-Kalidasa epic, the historical Kavyas, the prose romance and the Champu, the popular tale, the didactic fable and the lyric and gnomic verse.
The mythology of India claims unique interest by virtue of its unparalleled length of life. It is true that not even the discoveries at Boghaz Kyoi render it prudent for us to place the Rgveda at an earlier period than 1500 B.C., and in part at least that collection may come from three centuries later, so that as contrasted with the dates of Egyptian and Babylonian records the earliest monument of Aryan mythology is comparatively recent. In mass of content and in ...
The Sankhayana Aranyaka is an important early text on early Indian philosophy and ritual. Being a closely parallel text and a commentary on the Aitareya Aranyaka, it is of great value and interest for those working on the early Indian rituals, myths and philology. The present edition contains a literal rendering of the nine adhyayas or chapters of the Sankhayana Aranyaka apart from an Introduction and an Appendix on the Mahavrata. In the Introduction, Keith has ...
The six systems of Hindu philosophy Karma-Mimamsa, Uttara-Mimamsa, Sankhya, Yoga, Vaiseshika, Nyaya-are grouped into three pairs due to their close affinity. The first two are basically expositions than philosophies. Each is called a Mimamsa which means investigation or critical interpretation. The Karma-Mimamsa, as codified by Jaimini, consists of a large number of aphorisms, usually accompanied by comments, which provide authoritative solutions to problems ...
This book is an authoritative work written by a celebrated Indologist. Indian Mythology has been used as a classic text and is an invaluable work of reference. The mythology of India claims unique interest by virtue of its unparalleled length of life. It is true that not even the discoveries at Boghaz Kyoi render it prudent for us to place the Rgveda at an earlier period than 1500 B.C., and in part at least that collection may come from three centuries later, so ...
This book deals with almost every aspect of Buddhist Philosophy from Personality to doctrine of the Buddha, fundamental character, nature and spirit of philosophy, doctrine of causation and the path of salvation, the Saint and the Buddha to the School of Hinayana, the philosophy of consciousness and the origin, the development of Buddhisations and Buddhas. The book covers the subject of Buddhism thoroughly in a manner which makes it interesting to read and easy ...