Showing all 10 books
This is a very well researched and written introduction to the Islamic science of tassawuf – which is the Arabic word usually translated as sufism. Dr. Brown shows Sufism is an integral part of Islam; a part which has always been accepted as the heart of Islam. As a famous Sufi once said, "Shariat is the body and tariqat the soul". This book looks at the origins of Sufism, its historical development, its branching into various brotherhoods, its ...
The banquets served at the royal courts of the Caliphs of Baghdad were proverbial for their variety and lavishness. It is therefore most regrettable that the manuals of guidance of these noble art of cooking which was written in the golden age of the Caliphate, none has survive. Most of the recipes that we knew about the composition and preparation of such famous dishes has come from the poetry that had been composed on that subject. The book is a comprehensive ...
These pages illustrate some of the many ways in which Persian culture has influenced Persia's neighbors, and become a legacy to the whole world. As inevitably happens with rich legacies not secured by an attested will, this matter of cultural inheritance is apt to be hotly disputed; interested parties may make claims that take a deal of substantiating. It is the arduous task of the editor of such a volume as this to enlist the support of a team of writers ...