Asian elephant is a highly endangered species. There are believed to be fewer than 50,000 elephants in the wild and 16,000 elephants in captivity. Whereas it is necessary to protect wild elephants against ivory-poachers and secure their habitats and corridors, it is also essential to take steps for the welfare of their captive brethren. In fact, domestication has been accepted as a conservation tool for the Asian elephants as it provides a solution, better than ...
The object of this book is to present the story of English literature between the publication of the Lyrical Ballards and the end of the Great War in a concise and readable form. With this object the authors have confined themselves mainly to the most prominent writers of the period; references to minor writers have been made as few and as short as possible. At the same time, much of the criticism is directed towards showing tendencies of thought and form, and an ...