A K Agarwal

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In a changing world, it is imperative today to develop deep-rooted strategic engagement of nations for mutual benefit, peace and prosperity. This is exactly the policy that Modi government is pursuing. India is equipped with big bank of factors in its favour-intellectual power, research bent of mind, age-old entrepreneurship, vibrant and deep-rooted democracy, rich culture and heritage, peace loving citizens, internationally recognised legal/accounting systems, ...
Management is a strategic factor in economic and social development. It influences and determines the success of any development plan, and is at the same time susceptible to deliberate social control and change. The inadequacy of administration in many developing countries is now recognized as a major Obstacle to development. Herbert Emmerich, a noted scholar and administrator, estimates that most of the plans are incapable of being fulfilled because of ...
The volume makes an effort to study microfinance in India at the regional level. The chapters contributed by academicians and practitioners stress the importance of microfinance for economic growth to involve active participation of all groups including the dalits. With reference to specific states, they delve into the self-help groups and their role in economic empowerment: the way they encourage informal savings in rural households; their linkage with banks and ...
The Maoist Insurgency has been born out of long periods of social discontent, economic hardships and state apathy towards the neglected masses. Anti-Maoist operations have to be based on a strong political will, aggressive anti-guerrilla tactics and economic and social development of affected areas to win back the confidence of the people. A common perception is that in these operations, the role of air power is normally overlooked. History differs and tells us ...
Poverty in North East India, A study of Mizoram deals with the theoretical foundations and empirical evidences of poverty. It deals with the contemporary literature on poverty and includes theoretical expositions of poverty expounded by Oscar Lewis, Ragnar Nurkse, J.K. Galbraith, Amartya Sen and others. Database of poverty at the global and Indian level is also available in the book. The evidences of poverty in North East India as whole and different states of ...
Modernisation/development is a process of societal transformation from a traditional society to a modern society, emphasising the elimination of poverty, unemployment, social and economic inequality. Modernisation on capitalist lines, which the country has pursued, has led to the growth of unknown phenomena in Mizo society like stratification—the rich and the poor—, alienation by well-off natives, absentee landlordism, intermediary rights, money lending, ...
Nehru needs no introduction to Indians. To those who had seen him he was an ideal to follow, to those who didn’t he was a man with many dimensions. How ever, when a man is alive a certain amount of emotion colours our vision and perhaps influences critical evaluation, not necessarily negative. With the passage of time comes certain amount of detachment which not only gives one an opportunity to evaluate but also a deeper understanding of the significance of his ...