Showing all 4 books
India possesses largest bovine and bubaline population in the world, but her animals have low productivity. The poor individual performance of indigenous milk animals in India makes the animal husbandry and dairying a less sustainable enterprise. On the other hand, breeding cattle and buffaloes on scientific lines has a tremendous potential in making dairy sector more sustainable and economically profitable for animal keepers.This book makes an attempt to re-look ...
The Surya-siddhanta, also called the modern Surya-siddhanta, has the largest number of commentators among all the astronomical texts written in India, it has been translated into almost all the regional languages of India. In all Sanskrit Colleges where Jyotisa is included in the curriculum the Surya-siddhanta is followed as a class room text book, and so, plenty of explanatory notes on it, either in manuscript or in printed form are also available now. And so we ...