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The present volume, which draws upon the period 1 June to 31 August 1955 … is richer in foreign policy than in internal developments. Goa is the dominant single problem at home… where the popular movement is controlled not by the Congress but by radical groups in the Socialist Party and the Jana Sangh… He confronts the leftist parties and questions their nationalist bona fides, makes an interesting distinction between socialism to which the Congress Party ...
The present volume covers the period from 18 November 1955 to 31 January 1956. The most important event during this period is the visit of the Soviet leaders to India….. the first visit of the Soviet leaders…. to a non-socialist developing country… Of particular interest is the Prime Minister’s anxiety to make the Soviet leadership understand his Government’s problems with the Communist Party of India. The reaction of the Soviet leadership is tactful ...
In a world of instant communication, no country can remain in isolation. The impact of socio-cultural and economic trends receive instant reverberations the world over. This is equally true of foreign policy. While the balance of power and ideology may have undergone changes, the fundamentals of Indian diplomatic expression has remained the same, with its commitment to our national interests and autonomy in all spheres of decision-making. On account of her ...
Nehru had set the best traditions of engagement with the people and their leaders through dialogue and discussions… ranging from stability in Kashmir…to Second Five Year Plan…to the preservation of wildlife…to eschew casteism and communalism…(On) the issue of banning of the book…he could not make sense of violence breaking out, people making inflammatory speeches, and newspapers publishing articles to heighten religious passions…he pleaded for ...