A K Ghosh

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From times immemorial gur has satisfied the human craving for nutritive sweeteners. The lump suga-gur or jaggery is a nutritive sweetening agent manufacture primarily from sugarcane. It is consumed almost by all Indians in some form or the other. To date, its per capita consumption in India is 10.6 kg (in 1990-191). In some parts of the world gur is also produced from certain palms and sweet sorghum. Gur or jaggery is primarily produced in developing or ...
Agronomy is a compulsory subject for the undergraduate and post-graduate students of Agriculture in Colleges and Universities of India and abroad. The crop production and post harvest technology have gradually being changed due to coming up of some inputs of Agriculture such as high yielding varieties of different crops, pesticides, fertilizers etc. to fulfil our goal of crop production, it is essential to have some sound knowledge on different aspects of ...
A delightful book for children carrying 6 legends from Indian history.
The subfamily Greenideinae is one of the little known subfamily of Aphidoidea, largely restricted to south and southeast Asia. In this volume a total of ten genera and eightyfour species and subspecies have been dealt with from Indian region. Information on biology for many of the species remain far from being complete and to fill up this lacuna results of investigations from other regions have been often been incorporated. Aphidoidea forms one of the most ...
Aphids constitute the largest group of insect-vectors of plant viruses and have worldwide importance as the most important group of crop pests. The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries, in this group, forms about 16% of the world fauna. The "Fauna of India and the adjacent countries" on Aphidoidea has been published in six parts (part I –Chaitophorinae, II-Lachninae, III-Pemphiginae, IV –Poloemyzinae, Anoeciinae and Hormaphidinae, V ...
The subject of Biodiversity Conservation has gained global attention since 1992, India as a country of mega diversity has joined "UN Convention on Biological Diversity" and enacted "Biological Diversity Act" 2002 and Rules 2004. Significant progress has been made along last 15 years, a detail account of which has been presented in present volume. It includes information on current status, uses, institutional support, traditional knowledge, ...