A.K. Mandal

Showing all 12 books
In recent times serious concerns have been expressed both by developed as well as developing economies of the world over the increase in global warming, ozone layer depletion and number of other environmental problems occurring due to massive carbon footprints left by use of fossil fuels as a result of exponentially amplified demand in transportation and other purposes. The rising and volatile prices of petroleum products compelled entire world to search for new ...
The Sundarbans covers an area of 10,000 sq. kms, of which 4200 sq. kms fall in India. This area, once said to be under the sea, lies on the north of the Bay of Bengal. Exceptionally rich in its flora and fauna, this region is famous for Royal Bengal Tiger. It is the habitat of bewitching mangroves, unique biodiversity, abundant natural resources, tiger reserve, sanctuary and reserve forests. This region has attracted the world community for a special importance ...
This book is a magnificent, unprecedented guide for the meaningful existence, development and transformation of the business and corporate sectors in 21st century. Like any historical revolution, this book is a determined encounter with the existing reality, myopic corporate vision and so-called elitist/intellectual hype, hoopla, hysteria, humbug, hollowness and blatant hypocrisy. This is a path-breaking attempt beyond corporate ‘locker room’ thinking to ...
Forest science in India is very old and has been, by and large, colonial consumer oriented, which encouraged extraction of forest resources, particularly timbers, medicinal plants, paper pulp, etc. as well as identification of diseases, insect pests and their management in the field and forest depot. Consequently, it fostered reckless exploitation of our forest resources to the extent of their decimation, which underlines the significance of replenishment and ...