Showing all 9 books
Agricultural Meteorology involves the integration of climatological and meteorological data and techniques into agricultural problems, such as crop production, soil moisture, moisture stress, and migration of pests. A good background in basic maths and sciences is required. The chief concerns of modern agricultural meteorology are development of methods of forecasting meteorological phenomena that endanger agriculture and perfection of methods of long-range ...
India is a country of rich resources and is catapulted to have its rightful place among developed nations soon. Agriculture is a livelihood of about 65 per cent people and livestock is part and parcel of it; contribute 26 per cent of gross domestic product and accounts for about 18 per cent of export. India is richest in bovine population, highest in milk production, and buffalo is major milch animal of the country. To further advance, the animal agriculture in ...
From all over the world, peace has been invoked as a universal value that everybody should accept independently on his or her culture, religion, and political views. Even God's credibility has been called into play : the true God People said cannot be a war-monger. The Collective moral conscience seems therefore animated by the conviction that the moral law is independent on the will of God, which is perceived as binding only as far as it prescribes what we ...
Vajrayana Buddhism received its name from the Sanskrit word vajra, which represents the thunderbolt wielded by Indra, the god of war and weather. This word also loosely translates to mean 'diamond', denoting unbreakable strength. As such, Vajrayana Buddhism is often called the Diamond Vechicle and Indestructible Path of Buddhism. It is also synonymous with various other names, including Thunderbolt Vechicle, True Words Sect, Esoteric Buddhism, Tantric ...
The book Women Leadership : A Management Perspective contains important articles relating to a vital issue like leadership and gender. Although there is no role of gender as far as the leadership is concerned yet there lies a social perception that male centered leadership is more accepted. In all most every field women of the country have taken lead. In spite of these facts social acceptance of women leadership is yet to be established. If some one looks into ...
This pioneering text is the only book to comprehensively explore both research and practice in the psychology of aging and to bring home the actual aging experience through the use of innovative narrative accounts. The field highlighting the interconnections between concepts, research and applications. These interconnections offer students a sense of an evolving, coherent discipline. The book is carefully planned to bring home how research applies to real lives. ...