A K Nayak

28 books
Plants and animals inhabited in different forest ecosystems of Similipal are changing continually in their composition and population due to deforestation, fragmentation, forest fire and other human activities. These activities have posed serious threat to the survival and future sustainability of the unique biodiversity of Similipal. Thus conservation of plants and animals of the reserve in their own habitats needs to know how they exploit the resources. In this ...
The primary purpose of schooling, which is only one of the institutional influences in a person’s education, is to assist the individual to better develop his or her full potential as well as to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to interact with the environment in a successful manner. The educational expansion, universalisation of elementary education, vocationalisation of secondary education, higher and professional education and overall quality of ...
Educational psychology is a distinct scientific discipline within psychology that includes both methods of study and a resulting knowledge base. It is concerned primarily with understanding the processes of teaching and learning that take place within formal environments and developing ways of improving the affiliated operations and procedures. Educational psychologists are interested in a wide variety of topics such as learning theories; teaching methods; ...
The country is passing through major economic developments with liberalisation and globalisation of the economy. The universities are also expanding their territorial boundaries through distance education. In all these areas, quality assurance has become a major focus. There is great demand for expansion of higher secondary education on account increasing expansion of primary and secondary education and rising social expectations. Consequently, emphasis has been ...
Education is fundamental to all-round development of human potential-material and spiritual. It refines sensitivities and perceptions that contribute to national cohesion, a scientific temper and independence of mind and spirit, thus furthering the goal of socialism, secularism and democracy enshrined in our Constitution. Education develops manpower for different levels of economy and empowers the poor masses to become self-reliant enough to participate, in the ...
Sports education is based on the premise that the quality and productivity of each individual's life can be enhanced through participation in a comprehensive, sequential physical education system that promotes physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. A physical educated person is one who has mastered the necessary movement skills to participate confidently in many different forms of physical activity, values physical intimately related to health and ...
Physics deals with the study of the fundamental properties of matter on all scales, from the sub-nuclear to the cosmic- and the nature of space and time. It also underpins the whole of modern technology, such as the lasers in CD players, the silicon chips in computers, the optic fibre cables used in communications and the transmitters in mobile phones. This book is about learning to be a more effective teacher. The intended audience is any physics teacher who is ...
Lifelong and continuing education answers the basic problems of education in future. It is because it intends to aim at the whole, evolving human being to all his aspects and throughout his lifetime, because it did not only transcends the artificial barriers between academic and nonacademic education and the traditional distinction between conventional public educator and adult education. This book tell us that, lifelong and continuing education becomes ...
The Encyclopeadia provides a comprehensive details about Information technology, Computer Science and Cyber laws, from the lowest levels of fundamentals and basics to the highest level of divided into 9 volumes and each volume is complete in itself. The First two volumes provides the Fundamentals of Information technology and Computer Science in a simple and systematic manner, suited for readers, who have not been exposed sufficiently to the subject. The third ...