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Addiction is a term used to describe a devotion, attachment, dedication, inclination, etc. nowadays, however, the term addiction is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individual’s health, mental state or social life. The term is often reserved for drug addictions but it is sometimes applied to other compulsions, such as problem gambling, and compulsive ...
The job that social policy has taken on is that of making sense of and moving beyond the ideological conflicts that have surrounded the development of capitalist social policies. In tracing these conflicts, we encounter' a bewildering array of sometimes less than helpful labels describing different ideological variants (e.g. 'social liberalism' and 'neo-conservatism'). In the froth of parry politics, parries adapt and change so that the names by which they are ...
Contents: Preface. 1. Social work in the field of child welfare: economic and family aspects. 2. Social work in the field of child welfare: schools and recreation. 3. Social work in the field of child welfare: courts and correctional institutions. 4. Considering social difference. 5. Gender expectations and child protection practice. 6. Rethinking practice: learning from a black feminist perspective. 7. Researching the effects of child abuse. 8. An international ...