A.K. Shrivastava

Showing all 14 books
Environmental biotechnology makes an attempt to understand the science of biotechnology at a mire complex level than commonly utilized. It explores the various promises this field holds and examines the various tools and technologies within the field. The quality of life on earth is depends on overall quality of the environment. Due to unregimented population increased and industrial development added millions of tones of hazardous wastes to the soil and water ...
In India, environment auditing practices have been started with a small beginning. Presently, it has been made mandatory for those industries who are identified as a polluting industries. But this is not the end of environment auditing in India. As we are committed to implement on the findings of the Earth Summit at Rio, we are spell bound to strengthen the environment auditing process, so that we may be able to take initiatives for environmental auditing to the ...
The book discusses an approach to understand the roles of participants in the environmental impact assessment processes. The discussions in this book generally follow the EIA process in India, in Asia, and also of USA. This book also discusses the background of the EIA, sustainability and development, overseas and transboundary environmental concerns in brief. This book is process oriented and the topic of this book provides a various approaches to understand and ...
In a country such as India, where the majority of the population lives in the rural areas, the state of rural environment is substantially influenced by the state of rural economy. As the rural or agriculture economy changes, the natural resource management issues have to be addressed in the changing scenario. In fact, all the sectors are changing in the Indian economy, agriculture is changing the most. Changing patterns of agriculture production have many ...
This volume spells out the implicit linkage between environment and non-violence. It explains the adverse effects of violence on environment and also on ongoing processes of sustainable development. It includes war between the countries, terrorism, crime, violence against women and girls or children, domestic violence, cruelty against animals, violence against geo-biodiversity, natural and man-made disaster at large. It discusses the cost of war, terrorism, ...
There have been great advances in child psychology in the world in the last twentieth century. Piaget is credited with making deep insights into the cognitive development of a child. Piaget certainly has developed on the theme propounded by Rousseau and Pestalozzi. The main sociological theme has, however, been to develop human race. More and more efforts have been made to make the discipline of child psychology objective.
The author of this book explains the issues of ecology and environment in a way that is friendly to teachers and learners both. it discusses the topics of ecology and ecosystems, environment and pollution, human activities and environment, waste management, sustainable development, natural resources management and concurrent issues such as global warning, ozone depletion, desertification of land, acid rain, afforestation and eco-development, environmental ethics ...
If we think for national economic growth by restoring ecology and without comprising with the environmental degradation, we must think for plantation of medicinal and herbal plantation. Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha medicines are well known in our country and it is taking place not only in India but abroad too. More and more people are becoming aware of these medicinal and herbal More and more population on the globe want to utilize these therapeutic interventions ...
The book Environment Trafficking has tried to disseminate information and facts about the environment trafficking. The aspects related to land, forest, biodiversity, inland waters, coastal and marine environment, atmosphere and climate, wastes, urban environmental issues, poverty, health, natural hazards and disasters, food security, global and regional environmental issues, governance fir sustainable development, sectoral initiatives, education and awareness has ...
Efforts have been made to analyse every aspect of Indian children in different spheres of Life in the present work. Some important new topics viz., The Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, Pre-conception and re-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Child Sexual Abuse etc. have also been discussed in this edition. The suggestions have been ...
The book spells out the implicit linkage between environment and environment practices. It discusses the decision making process, coordinating bodies, legislations, policy initiatives, programmes/projects/schemes, international cooperation, status, challenges, capacity building, education, training and awareness raising, environmental education, and awareness generation, research-development technologies, source of finance. The book covers commerce, trade, ...
The development community on the globe now recognizes the importance of sound governance and the need to support capacity building and institutional development. The experiences of the evaluation system in the past have proved that this exercise is an aid to better governance. Evaluation contributes to three basic functions: that is: Accountability: making sure that public institutions, and their staff, are held accountable for their performance. Allocation: ...