Showing all 3 books
Contents: Foreword. Preface. 1. Indian medicinal plant Jamun, Syzygium cumini exerts its radioprotective effect by reducing DNA damage in mice exposed to y-Gamma radiation/Ganesh Chandra Jagetia. 2. Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officianale Rosc.) protects mice whole body exposed to different doses of y-radiation/Ganesh Chandra Jagetia. 3. Optimization of conditions for the extraction of oil from the seeds of castor and Soybean using three phase partition (TPP) and ...
Medicinal plant research has been and continues to be considered a fruitful approach in the search for new drugs. The scientific basis that accounts for the present of medically useful compounds in plants is by now well known. Medicinal plants would be the best source to obtain a variety of drugs and, therefore, such plants should be investigated in understand better about their properties. This green inheritance thus represents an enormous reservoir of putative ...
Ancient civilization greatly depended on local flora and fauna for their survival and experimented with various berries, roots, leaves, minerals or animal parts to find out what effects they had and as a result, many crude drugs were observed by the local healer to have some medical use. As understanding of therapeutic benefits deepens and demands for natural products increased, previously serendipitous discoveries evolved into active searches for new medicines. ...