Showing all 4 books
The new fourth edition of this scholarly work is more exhaustive and comprehensive in its coverage, with the latest case law. It studies the role of 'precedent' in the Indian legal system, and how its various components mutually interact.
Topics covered include: Stare Decisis, Ratio Decidendi, Supreme Court and Overruling of Precedent, Judicial Law-Making, Law Declared by the Supreme Court under Article 141, Judicial Process and the Right to Life, Indian ...
The work explores the many implications of the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) norms in conformity to the TRIPS agreement with specific reference to the developing countries, particularly India. Taking into consideration elements relating to TRIPS, IPR, sustainable human development and public interest, it addresses concerns of developing countries in the context of their socio-economic conditions and challenges. A comprehensive coverage, it reviews the effect ...
While the intellectual reservoir of Jurisprudential dialectics is forever overflowing with the ink spilled over on the basic structure doctrine by judges and academicians alike, the pragmatic receptacle of constitutional dynamics is replete with controversies centred around the amending power of the Parliament. Thus opens the portal into the realm of Indian constitutional Jurisprudence’s journey from and to the basic structure doctrine. The struggle for ...