Showing all 3 books
Handbook of media stains and reagents in microbiology is highly useful for practicals in medical pharmaceutical. agricultural environmental and biotcchnological laboratories. Tbis book includes composition and preparation oi nutrient media for isolation various microorganisms and performing many biochemical tests for identification at microorganisms. It also includes various staining procedures and other chemical reagents frequently required fat microbiology ...
The book deals with biofertilizers and biopesticides which are indispensable in advanced agricultural technology. The book is consisted of 39 quality research papers written by renowned authors besides an elaborate introduction by Budhajirao Mulik, a well known agricultural scientist. The book contains papers on almost all topics of biofertilizers including Rhozobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, VAM fungi, Cyanobacteria, decomposing cultures, sulphur suppliers, ...
Handbook of biofertilizer and biopesticides is a collection of research papers presented in the National Conference on "Frontiers in biofertilizers and biopesticides". The research papers of scientists from all over India and few from abroad are included in the book. The papers furnish recent information on interactions of microorganisms with plant and pests as well as role of microorganisms in increasing soil fertility and plant protection. The book is ...