A N Dwivedi

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Since his school days, Amar Nath Dwivedi has been writing poetry, first in Hindi and then in English. Here Dr. Dwivedi has put together all his poetry in English: Random Reflection (1994), Fine Frenzy (1998), Protest Poems (2002), Beyond Borders (2008), and Wayward Wanderings (2012). He has also included here some of his newest poems. With this compilation, Dwivedi's English poetry will be readily available to readers and researchers.
Dr. Dwivedi is a widely ...
The Poetry of Keki N. Daruwalla: A Critical Study is a detailed analysis of the work of the poet, a major contemporary Indian English writer. The book explores the various aspects of Daruwalla’s poetry such as, its social dimension, its use of motifs of death and violence and its exceptional ability to create a sense of place and character. The book also discusses Daruwalla’s poetic craft. The study takes into account Daruwalla’s books from Under Orion ...
This book is the outcome of the author’s continued study and research in T.S. Eliot literature, demonstrating as it does his valid critical insight and sound judgement. There are scholars who might initially differ with him in regard to his formulations about Eliot’s indebtedness to Indian thought and tradition, but they will have to accept them ultimately in the presence of well-researched and well-documented internal and external evidences. Even established ...
Arundhati Roy created ripples on the surface of Indian English fictions with her navel The God of Small Things (1997). This novel was a forceful plea for the upliftment of the downtrodden and the have-nots in Indian society. The untouchables and the women are the focal points here, and they are the two sections of our society who have suffered worst through the ages.Arundhati Roy’s Fictional World contains a collection of twelve critical essays contributed ...
This volume consisting of some twenty papers deals exclusively with Indian poetry in English right from the date of its origin in the 1830s to the present day. It focuses our attention on such illustrious poets of India as Aru Dutt (Who has written very little but lasting verses), Toru Dutt, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, Sarojini Naidu—all representing the older generation—Nissim Ezekiel, A.K. Ramanujan, R. Parthasarathy, Kamala Das, Monika Varma, ...
This volume consisting of seventeen papers deals exclusively with Indian fiction in English right from its beginning to the present day. It focuses our attention on such reputed novelists of India as Raja Rao, Kamala Markandaya, Manohar Malgonkar, B. Rajan, Anita Desai, Arun Joshi, Kamala Das, Michael Chacko Daniels, Farukh Dhondy, Shashi Deshpande, and Arundhati Roy. There is also a chapter on the origin and growth of the sister form, Indian short story in ...
Indian English prose has been successful in capturing the attention of writers of essays and reviews, of pamphlets and journals, of educational tracts and literacy critical pieces, of biographies and autobiographies, of short stories and novels. During the days of the Indian Renaissance (1820-1900), Indian English Prose received an unprecedented impetus, and various thinkers, educationists, journalists and reforms raised some burring issues of the day. The lead ...
This compilation of critical essays constitutes a comprehensive and an up-to-date investigation into the origin, growth and expansion of contemporary Indian Short Story in English, which is commonly regarded as a leisurely offshoot of contemporary Indian fiction in English. Though the genre has its deep roots in Indian lore and literature, as may be seen in Panchatantra and Kathasaritasagar, it has not received adequate critical attention so far. The present ...
This book traces the origin and growth of Kamala Das as a poet through successive stages. Mrs. Das, who received no formal education, no pompous University degree, stands on her own merit and is placed on the pinnacle of reputation and distinction among Indo-English poets of today. Her scintillating verse has that irresistible force and tilting rhythm in it which captures the reader’s attention immediately. The reader often feels that he is in the presence of a ...
Toru Dutt is one of the distinguished authors in Indian English literature. There is hardly another Indian author having written in English who is so regularly remembered in the journals and newspapers of the country and abroad. She was the first ‘major’ Indian English author who forcefully interpreted the soul of India to the west, and thereby acted as a bridge between the East and the West. Her wonderful creative works place her Country on the ...
This book explores the poetry of Rameshwar Lal Khandelwal 'Tarun', an eminent Hindi poet of our times. Khandelwal is a poet of diverse traits and shades. He combines the salient features of romanticism and modernism in his poetic art, and turn by turn he is a lyricist, a romantic, a social realist, a modernist, an imagist-cum-symbolist. He is studied here in all these aspects. The papers contained in the book have been written by well-known Indian scholars of ...