Showing all 6 books
It may be noted that the District of Kottayam naturally falls into three divisions, viz of the lowlands, the midlands and highlands. The topography of the district is highly undulating with hills and valleys. The vegetation being divided into three catergories such as lowland vegetaion, midland vegetation, and highland vegetation.
The flora presents a systematic account of a total of 1102 species belonging to 690 genera and 153 families of seed plants. Five new ...
The book deals with CAMP process viz., Systematic study and status survey; assigning taxa to the Current IUCN Redlist category of threat; and making recommendation for research management activities—all contributing to conservation of 125 threatened strict endemics of one of the recognized centres of plant diversity in the Western Ghats of India. Most of the species treated in the text was hitherto imperfectly or little known. Detailed description with ...
The Flora of Tamil Nadu has been under preparation by the Southern Circle of the Botanical Survey of India since 1978. It is proposed to bring out the Analysis of the vascular flora in 3 volumes under Series I, followed by the Systematic Treatment under Series II. During the 50 years that have elapsed since the publication of Flora of the Presidency of Madras by Gamble (and Fischer), our knowledge of Botany of the area has largely increased. Several botanists ...