A P Thakur

Showing all 13 books
The book 21st Century India: View and Vision provides updated information of the world's second most populous and fastest-growing nation. In this volume, authors have tried to present comprehensive vision of development in 21st century India in thirteen chapters. First chapter deals with introductory outline of the book. Geography and Demographic features have been described in second chapter, however third chapter describes Economic Structure, Planning and ...
The idea of revising this biographical encyclopaedia after a decade is undoubtedly a noble endeavour of the editors to incorporate many social thinkers which was missing in first edition. This edition is a pioneering attempt to present a comprehensive study of biographical description and theoretical contribution of 123 eminent sociologists from 20 countries of the world written by noted scholars which ranges from one pages to fifteen pages in length. Whatever ...
The main objective of this three volumes Encyclopaedic work is to present a historical development and critical analysis of 150 sociological theories from its inception to post-modernity. Sociological theory is a mixture of conceptual efforts, some devoted to developing scientific principles and models, others to describing empirical events, still others dedicated to criticism of oppressive social arrangements, and many directed to meta-analysis of theories and ...
This book provides the much-needed evaluation and reorientation of the public and professional communitys commonsense or uncritically adopted conceptions of the Indian society and also directs our attention to the gaps in the sociology of the India.Focussing on key ideas and issues of Indian social system such as that of tradition and modernity class and caste agrarian and urban social system, industrialisation and globalisation and socio political and economic ...
The present book is a comprehensive and critical analysis of the context, content, as well as the contemporary relevance of Social Darwinism which has been quite instrumental in evolving the concept of society as a functional unity as well as the cross-cultural methods of comparative study and analysis of social problems. Even today, Social Darwinism is regarded as a systematic approach to the study of social change both by way of description and explanation. It ...
The main objective of this three volumes encyclopaedia work is to present a historical development and critical analysis of 150 sociological theory is a mixture of conceptual efforts, some devoted to developing scientific principles and models, others to describing empirical events, still others dedicated to criticism of oppressive social arrangements, and many directed to meta-analysis of theories and theorists. The idea of bringing out this encyclopaedia of ...
The primary object of this book is to present comprehensive vision of Weber political sociology. Weber grew up in Germany during the Bismarckian era. He was a political realist and an analyst of power politics, examined constitutional problems in the spirit of political engineering; yet he was deeply concerned significance of the power struggle. Weber sought to understand on the basis of his extraordinary historical knowledge and to conceptualise at a level ...
Weber's Theory of Social Economics is based on large measure on his youthful studies, which had borne on the most varied subjects –agrarian problems of antiquity, medieval trade relations, the position of agricultural workers and worker's conditions in modern factories. For everything relating to economic and social questions, as well as others, he displayed a boundless curiosity, based on the phenomenon of capitalism. He regarded capitalism as an econo0mic ...
The main purpose of this book is to examine religious action of society from the subjective point of view. In order to understand sociological reality of religion, Weber holds the importance of religious idea which cannot be reduced to the component of material interests (Marx) or to the social nexus and function (Durkheim). He studied first the influence of religious behaviour on ethics and economics and secondly on politics and education. Weber approached the ...
This book is a letter of response back from M. Proudhon to Karl Marx. This book talks about the following subjects.... The antitheses of use value and exchange value, constituted value of synthetic value, and applications of law of the proportionality of value. It also describes the method of the metaphysics of political economy, division of labor and machinery, competition and monopoly, property or ground rent, and strikes and combinations of workers. This book ...