Showing all 6 books
The Genus Rhododendron is acclaimed in horticulture for its most elegant, bell-shaped flowers of varied colours. In India, Rhododendron species are found in the Himalayas from Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh and in the forested mountain tracts of N.E. Indian states. The interest in the Himalayan Rhododendrons began with the discovery of the red flowered R. Arboreum in Kashmir in the year 1796 and introduction of its seeds into the English Gardens in 1827. J.D. ...
In this publication, a brief general introduction on the floristics of the different mangroves in India; identification keys to the families, genera and species; species-wise data-sheets with recent botanical names (in bold print; synonyms in italics), its family, local names, short botanical descriptions, notes on ecology, distribution and economic uses, etc. have been provided. Relevant commonly consulted floras have been given under references. At ...
In India, the problem on threatened plants was first discussed in the 11th Technical Meeting of the IUCN in 1969 in which important papers were presented on the subject. Subsequently, the Botanical Survey of India published a small book-let: Threatened plants of India--A state-of-the Art Report, in 1980. Following this, concerted efforts on the subject were made in the years 1980-85, through a programme: Project on study, Survey and Conservation of Endangered ...
The first and the second volumes of the Red Data Book on Indian plants were published by the Botanical Survey of India in the years 1987 and 1988 and include 619 data sheets. The present volume deals with 195 threatened taxa of Indian flora. As in the Vols. 1 & 2, a number of line drawings (placed nearest to corresponding data sheets) and eight colour plates have been included here. Of these, data sheets on Cymbidium tigrinum Vol. 2, p. 168), Cymbidium ...