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This book is divided into two sections: Perspectives and Country Experiences. While the first section 'Perspectives' consists of five articles that touch upon various facets of cultural industries such as meaning, policy-making, copyright issues, etc., the second section 'Country Experiences' consists of eight articles that showcase development and growth of cultural industries in various countries and the necessary policy implications.
Knowledge and innovation are the natural resources of the 21st century, and developing the capacity to support people and industries that possess these resources is a critical element for economic growth. The new Technology-led economic development strategies continue to take root around the world. The ability to successfully develop and support new businesses and advance within existing industries needs a basic support to sustain in the long run. The ...
The Indian Cement Industry is the world’s second largest after China’s Cement Industry. But, percapita production and consumption are low as compared to the world standards. On the technological front, Indian cement Industry can be regarded as highly competitive and is comparable with the best in the world, in terms of quality standards, fuel consumption etc. Indian cement plants, which depended heavily on wet technologies in the sixties and seventies, have ...
In the present emerging economic scenario, Agriculture still plays a pivotal role. This is reflected in India being world’s largest producer of milk, third largest producer of agricultural produce, second largest producer of vegetables, third largest producer of fruits and having the largest cattle population of the world. Yet, the rampant post-harvest wastages coupled with lack of awareness among producers and consumers about value-added food products ...
Heritage Brands are the brands that have withstood the times and become icons in the eyes of the consumers. They have become immortal brands by associating themselves with the customers for many decades. They carry brand heritage mark with them by surviving for many decades against all odds and competitive forces. However, many of world’s well-known brands today have become brand icons, not merely because they are very old and survived for many decades but ...
Advertising is a critical element for successfully establishing, positioning, repositioning or growing a brand. One can almost say that effective advertising is a prerequisite in today's competitive business scenario. For manufacturers and service providers, it helps generate and spread awareness. Customers benefit from advertising, as they are provided with information on features of existing products and launch of new products. Trade partners are also benefited ...
The globalization of economies and the increasingly competitive business environment that is created as a result, demand that corporate enterprises focus on integrated marketing communications to promote their products/services to the targeted customer groups in an efficient manner. Corporate events, which provide an efficient opportunity for face-to-face contact with customers, have become an essential component in this process. They are unique in the sense that ...
Brand building embodies well-defined positioning and repositioning strategies. The current changing competitive landscape is witnessing intense brand-building campaigns undertaken by the corporate world. The proliferating competition coupled with fragmenting markets and media are making it difficult for corporates to brand without innovating. Advertising, sales promotion, publicity, celebrity endorsements, sponsorships, events, corporate social responsibility, ...