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The book is about the times in which we live. The context is the current global economic and financial crisis caused by human interventions that were bereft of transparency and commitment to sound market discipline. Governments and central banks are groping for quick solutions to assuage the growing anger of societies over the rising economic inequalities unemployment and inflation.
The need of the hour is to set in place good monetary governance. Monetary ...
This book is undoubtedly a work of encyclop?dic proportions, which only a master of the subject will dare to undertake. We central bankers owe a deep debt of gratitude for Vasudevan's efforts. Virtually no important aspect of central banking is left out... ...Vasudevan's tantalising voyage through the theory and practice of central banking is a path-breaking and salutary effort. It deserves to be a manual for the modern central banker and those outside who wish ...
The Reserve Bank of India has promoted research right from the early years of its existence. Excellent research papers have been prepared by some of the outstanding economists of the Bank. Barring exceptions, the invaluable research embodied in these papers has not been ‘widely’ disseminated Former Executive Director, Dr. A. Vasudevan has utilized his lifetime of experience at the central bank to painstakingly edit the present collection of research papers ...