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Islam is essentially monotheistic faith, and the Muslims believe in the existence of one, the cherisher and the maintainer of the world who is without a second. Broadly speaking Islam is based on two principles, two fundamental "(1) belief in God and (2) consciousness of moral obligations towards others". The Muslim Shariah which means the law concerning the organization of relations between individuals, as member of Societies and as citizens of States, ...
There is also interesting discussion of the differences between the Mujadid (Renovators or reformers) who appears, according to the traditions of Islamic orthodoxy on the eve of every century and one who is born in the end of Millienuem. There have been many Sufis in India during the Moghul rule and there have been many Sufis is Kashmir also. The book introduces the reader to the traditions of Sufism in Islam in very simple way. Sufis had acquired a great status ...