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The book furnishes vivid details of the Durga Puja festival in Calcutta and its suburbs in the first half of the twentieth century. It focuses attention principally on the themes of nationalism, communalism, the Bengal Famine of 1943, and Independence, and their connection with the Goddess Durga.
The gaiety and mirth accompanying the festival in Calcutta and its outskirts, despite periodic black-outs and other restrictions imposed during the Second World War ...
The book is subdivided into seven sections this encompass: general procedures, like methods of pipetting, solution preparation, buffers and principles of common analytical instruments essential for laboratory biotechnology experiments.The book also includes working with nucleic acid, bacteria, enzymes, proteins; cloning experiments and a few protocols on plant biotechnology. Emphasis have been given on DNA/RNA isolation from various sources, use of restriction ...
It took nature 600 million years to develop environment as it exist today but man, with only one million years of existence, has altered the environment in such a manner which threaten the very existence of a healthy biosphere. With the development of civilization man has unwittingly endangered his own surroundings and titled the ecological balance. It is thus essential that he should learn to revive in a sustainable world in a better environment and hence should ...
Environmental economics (EE) Progressed in Leaps and bound, it grew rapidly over the last decades and established itself as a discipline based on the powerful economic paradigm and reaching beyond it to capture important economy-environment inter-actions. Although, compared to economics, EE is still young but the juvenile is increasingly. Interested in knowing where she comes from, what her present position is and, in particular, where she will or ought to go. It ...
This book, which concentrates, in the forties of the twentieth century deals with four major socio-political issues of the decade namely : a. The Second World War and its impact on the Muslim psyche; b. The Bengal famine of 1943 and Muhammadan endeavours in alleviating distress; c. The rise of Muslim Communalism culminating in the demand for Pakistan by Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League; and d. The Muslim views on the freedom struggle lunched by the ...