Aditya Sabharwal

Showing all 14 books
This book of Critical Interpretation Series on Charles Dickens includes a detailed and critical introduction to his novels as well as selected criticism and essays in order to give the reader an in depth understanding and knowledge of him and his novels. Essays on the Victorian Society London in the Victorian Era Dickens Social background as well as an account of Dickens sojourn in the United State of America have been included in order to impart to the reader ...
This book of Critical Interpretation Series gives a detailed picture of the circles within which Jane Austen moved and which consequently influenced her novels and works. Essays on the Victorian society London in the nineteenth century Fashion in the nineteenth century and an account of bath have been included in order to give the reader a detailed detailed understanding of the times in which Jane Austen lived. Critical introductions to her work as well as ...
This book of critical interpretation series offers a comprehensive account of the literary criticism of George Eliot and her works as an independent volume in itself. The book also tried to explore different facets of George Eliot’s or Mary Ann Evan’s life as well as her interest in art etc. the subject matter, both as regards the arrangement of chapters as well as the contents of each chapter has been examined closely with the prescribed curricula of ...