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It is an increasingly wired world, but many people are finding that the best way to get connected is to do away with wires entirely. From cable replacement to universal Internet connectivity, wireless technology is changing the way we connect to our machines and to each other. The requirement for universal access stems from the growing impact of the fusion of the emerging technologies, and from the different dimensions become evident when considering the broad ...
The goal of a library is to assist users by satisfying their needs and requirements for management, access, storage, and manipulation of the variety of information stored in the collection of material that represents the holdings of the library. The key to effective library collections management is to implement simple structural organizations and be able to present those organizations in a way that library users find useful and can understand easily. The present ...
The term 'Digital' covers the creation and distribution of all types of information over networks, ranging from converted historical materials to kinds of information that have no analogues in the physical world. In some ways digital libraries and traditional libraries are very different, yet in other ways they are remarkably similar. People still create information that has to be organized, stored and distributed and they still need to find and use information ...
In this modern age of Science and Technology, the Library and Information Science, is an independent and interdisciplinary subject, which has attained a highly important place. Glossary, as such is an alphabetical list of technical, or other terms concerned with a subject, together with definitions and abbreviations for words. The present 'Glossary of Library, Information Communication and Technological Terms and Acronyms' compiled and edited by Dr. ...