Showing all 4 books
This concise and engaging synopsis of the text known as A Compendium of Ways of Knowing is used in the training of novice monks in the Gelugpa tradition. This book introduces the reader to the system of philosophical logic followed in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Novitiates memories texts such as this and use them to hone their debating skills. Here, the compendium of the main point of this great text is accompanied by an oral commentary given by the ...
To realize the beginningless purity and perfection of all reality as an indivisible unity of Voidness and appearance is to realize Dzog-Ch’en, the Great Completeness. The lineage of this Mahayana system of meditation traces from Shakyamuni Buddha and was taken from India to Tibet by such masters as guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra. It has been transmitted mainly through the Nying-ma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and its oral teachings preserved ...
Mahamudra or the Great Seal, refers to a Mahayana Buddhist system of meditation on nature of the mind and is undertaken for realizing Enlightenment. Taught by Buddha manifesting in the form of Vajradhara, its lineage was passed in India from Tilopa to Naropa to Marpa, and then in Tibet to Mi-la-ra-pa and Gam-po-pa, author of The Jewel Ornament of liberation. The specific lineage represented here is that of the Kar-ma Ka-gyu which passed from Gam-po-pa to the ...