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The most universally adored of all the Hindu gods, Ganesa, the 'Lord of the Ganas' also occupies a pride of place among the gods of the Hindu pantheon. It was because of his popularity as a magnificent god that he was known by the various epithets Vinayaka, Vighnesvara, Siddhidata, Heramba, etc., which stress his benevolent nature and his other names viz., Vakra-tunda, Ekadanta, Akhu-ratha, Lambodara, Gajanana, etc. connote his unusual physical and other ...
One of the most popular of all the Hindu Gods, Ganesa or Ganesh is also an endearing character. With an elephant head, a whimsical appearance and being the God of good fortune, he is bound to be popular. "Need we be surprised if Ganesa, God of success, achieved for himself a truly remarkable career?" But Ganesa is a far more complex God than might first be assumed. He has many different manifestations and many other names as well. In fact his appeal has ...