Showing all 2 books
The word ‘maharaja’ – literally ‘great king’ – conjures up a vision of splendour and magnificence. This lavishly illustrated book examines the real and perceived worlds of the maharaja, from the early eighteenth century to 1947, when the Indian princes ceded their territories into the modern states of India and Pakistan.Jackson and Jaffer explore the spectacular material culture of India’s rulers, showcasing rich and ...
Made for Maharajas: A Design Diary of Princely India explores the fascination among Indian royalty for western luxury goods. This taste reached its peak during the British Raj, when Indian rulers began travelling to Europe and remodelled their lives along western lines. Commissioning architects to design palaces, purchasing fleets of cars and ordering their family jewels to be reset by the most skilled goldsmiths of the day, Indian princes established themselves ...