Showing all 5 books
First Garden of the Republic documents the flora and fauna of the Estate across the seasons. It shows how human agency creates and curates this habitat, looking particularly at the quiet yet constant work done by the mails (gardeners). This book explores how plants and animals make the President’s Estate their own, adapting it to their ends, and the challenges these living creatures and their habitats face today.
This landmark volume examines the middle classes- who they are and what they do – their influence in shaping contemporary cultural politics in India. It describes the historical emergence of these classes, their changing relationships with colonial power, the Indian state, and other social groups.The articles in the book examine the changing profile of the middle class, with older groups shifting out and new entrants taking up residence, thereby ...
Waterscapes as a resource central to life and livelihood, water has always been at the center of intense social action. Conflict and cooperation around water involve not only claims to a material resource but also assertions of cultural meanings. The contours of such collective action have radically changed in recent years: gigantic state projects such as large dams now occur alongside water markets and privatized supply systems. In the process, the communities ...
As environmental use and abuse becomes even more fiercely contested around the world, we need fresh perspectives to understand issues such as resource extraction and social conflict; community identities and environmental claims; and technology, risk, and environmental governance. Cultural politics offers a novel approach that expands and enriches political-economic analysis to explain the changing relations between states, markets and social groups and their ...