Amita Saxena

Showing all 11 books
This book highlighted the wildlife and its conservations. The book contains twenty one chapters in which endangered aquatic fauna like fishes, dolphins are emphasized. The toads, snakes, lizards and Sea Turtles have given equal importance with special reference to their biodiversity and conservation. Ghariyal is also considered to be important for balancing an aquatic ecosystem Birds, Gyps Vultures and their Conservation and the Decline of Great Indian Bustard ...
Contents: 1. Women entrepreneurs and the development in India. 2. A vision of women empowerment in postmodern Indian English fiction. 3. Deepening and women. 4. Empowerment of fisherwomen through community radio. 5. Poverty and women empowerment in India. 6. Value addition of fish products by women. 7. Defining fashion. 8. The constraints of the life’s of one’s own. 9. Educational scenario of women in India. 10. Status, rights and women empowerment. ...
Fisheries not only gives nutritional security to people, it also provides livelihood, to millions of people the extension communication/media are the great part of any work/research/study without which no body knows what is going on in this changing world. The book deals with fishery extension, communication, communication process, training, training management project, project formulations. Project preparations shrimp, carp cum prawn farming, its feasibility ...
The economics of fisheries describes the use of its resources in various ways. Seeing the potential production, distribution of manpower, capital and natural resources the investment, profit, supply and demands are analyzed. The economics of the fishery sectors are important as the fisheries provide great revenue to the country. The facts are illustrated by review of various theories and suitable examples of fisheries economics. The exercises are given in text to ...
Ornamental fish keeping is not only a hobby it involves a series of activities such as construction and designing of aquarium, ponds breeding and study of diversity among aquarium fishes, temperature control, maintenance of dissolved oxygen, importance of filters which have been discussed. This book also points out feed formulation schedule and culture of live food micro-organism. Aquarium/Ornamental fisheries is a convenient tool of environmental and aquatic ...
Weed and Predators compete with aqua crop (fish) for space, dissolved oxygen, food micronutrients and physical factors etc. There resulted into poor growth of fish, it means less production. Predators not only injurious to fishes on above ways but also directly prey upon them. Wound caused by predator to prey is found to be prone to infections. Prey-predators relationship and aquaculture management practices have also been discussed. On the other hand, importance ...
Crustaceans are distinguished from Myriapods and insects by many more traits. A striking difference is seen in leg structure. The morphological characteristics taxonomy, anatomy and physiology of various crustaceans including vital systems are the major part of this book. Varieties of crustaceans have its economic values in capture and culture practices so their basic nature, structures functioning details are needed. Those lines are touched in this book. This ...
This book has informations about Phylum Mollusca which has great potential in aquatic resources. To value these shall animals their classification anatomy and physiological aspects of various class/genus are described with important biological systems like digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, sense organs and reproductive etc. The anatomy and physiology of animals pave the way for Molluscan farming/value addition. The economic importance chapter can be ...
The book is a compilation of chapters on various environmental maladies and feasible suggestions for their redressal, authored by eminent scientists representing the finest institutions of India. Invaluable information’s are available on wasteland reclamation, solid and hazardous waste management, environmental management of aquaculture, air pollution, global warming, energy management, radiation hazards and remote sensing applications. The book will be very ...