Showing all 2 books
Living Enlightenment demonstrates a creative spiritual intelligence that breaks new ground in applying the spiritual wisdom of the East to the contemporary world. This innovative and energetic voice deserves your attention. This book is a boon to the fearless, a gift to the sincere and a beacon to the lost. Living Enlightenment reads like a modern Upanishadic treatise. Andrew Cohen expounds his system of Gyana Yoga, the path of illumination through experiential ...
This slender volume is a distillation of enormous wisdom about the most important think for you –the how, what and why of spiritual freedom, unconditional happiness, the meaning of life, the truth of existence, God-realization, Enlightenment. The wisdom herein is ancient; you will find it stated in various ways in all the world’s sacred traditions. The clarity, simplicity and integrity of Cohen’s teaching demonstrate that what he says is genuinely his own ...